Heart of Taiwan: Yo' God, Love on the Rock! Puli, 2006? or 7?

a retro-blog

a "retro-blog" - "We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future." Marshall McLuhan

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yo' God, Love on the Rock! Puli, 2006? or 7?

I had been on the mountain for nearly 2 years, ensconced in a 40 foot shipping container 50 meters from the take off zone. I had hot water, a bathroom, a book almost finished, a lot of songs, and the cafe was ready to open. I flew every day. Life was good.

One morning I drove up the mountain from my morning shopping excursion. I realized something. It had been about a year since my divorce. And I could sure like someone to share this adventure with.

I had scouted the local girls but didn't get a positive reception. I knew what I needed, what I wanted in a woman. I went to God in conversational prayer.

Dropping the formalities, I spoke openly and confidently “Yo' God, getting kinda lonesome here. If I don't find a partner soon, I just might find myself getting into trouble. “

I always felt more confident with God if I saw Him in the passenger seat as I drove, kinda like riding shotgun. “I KNOW You got a woman for me, and she's from Taiwan, speaks English, and...“ informed by past failures, “ she's not prejudiced about race, nationality, color, religion. She has experience living abroad in western culture, and experience teaching English, and in cafe and restaurant, and translations and international trade. And, she can drive a car, confidently, … standard shift, … 4WD, I thought maybe I'm asking too much.

Nah!!! My God's a big God. If it's part of His plan, He 'll make it real. So boldly I continued, “and she can fly. Or at least she is ready to learn. And she is a Christian.” “ Oh, and about 30 years old. Look, if it happens great! I know you're in it. If it doesn't, now worries. I know you got a better plan for me. Should it work out, glory to God. Should it fail, I accept full responsibility. Amen. ” which as we all know means, 'let it be so.'

6 months later:

I had long late night online chat sessions with a woman, D, I met at an English language social club. We amused and amazed each other with tales of our past adventures and past lives, hopes and dreams. “Have you ever lived abroad?”
“Yes, I lived in LA and Vegas for 6 months.”
“Can you drive?”
“Stick shift?”
“I can try.”
“You ever teach English?”
"work in cafe restaurant business?”
“Yes, both, when I was in college.”
You had a lot of jobs for one so young.”
“Yeah, well, I...”
“No, no. Never apologize for your success. This is your strength!! Diversity of experience is an asset. Great!”
“Ever do any translation work”
“Yes, some documents in the trading company.”
“Are you a Christian? Not yet. I'm studying the Bible.”
“Can you fly?”
“I have flown before, but I can't say I can fly. I can learn.”
My head was spinning. I've had prayers answered before, but never quite like this.
I had an Excel spreadsheet with my criteria spelled out listing several other women I was interested in. A system of weighted average equations had them ranked. When I met D, I threw them all away.

“Will you marry me?”

2 months later:
From the simple wedding, 4 witnesses at the town hall, we went straight to the Heart of Taiwan to fly tandem.
We hooked into a perfect metaphor for marriage. “Steering works best when the pilot and passenger coordinate. On my cue, we both lean to the left, OK?”
“3 – 2- lean left.”
We performed excellently. “On my mark we lean right. Ready?”
“3 – 2- right.”
We stayed in flight for a good hour, working the narrow thermals with perfect precision. We landed,” Thanks Captain for an excellent flight.”
“Thanks, God, for an excellent partner.”
Glory to God for success. And, I take responsibility for failure.

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