Heart of Taiwan

a retro-blog

a "retro-blog" - "We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future." Marshall McLuhan

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

上帝啊, Love on the Rock! 埔里, 2006? Or 7?

我已在山上安居了近兩年的時間, 住的是一個40呎的貨櫃, 約距離起飛區50公尺遠. 住處有熱水可用, 浴室, 一本幾近完成的書, 很多首歌, 以及即將開幕的咖啡店計畫. 我每天都在玩飛行傘, 日子過的很愜意.

某天早上, 我依例在早晨去買東西, 我開車上了山. 我突然晃然大悟. 我已經離婚了一年. 我真的想要有位能分享我生活歷險的伴.

我設法認識當地的女孩, 但是一直沒有結果. 我知道我所要的女孩的條件與特質. 於是, 我決定向上帝禱告.

放下一切的正式與拘僅, 我坦承並自信地向上帝說, “上帝啊, 我有點孤單. 我再不找個伴兒, 我覺得我會出問題.

當我每次開車時看到上帝坐在乘客座, 我就對上帝更有信心. 就像西部拓荒馬車旁的散彈槍護衛.
“我知道祢有指定了一位女孩當我的伴, 來自台灣, 說英文..並且…” 突然想起過去的失敗經驗, 她不歧視種族, 國籍, 膚色, 宗教的差異. 她有在國外生活的經驗, 接受西方文化, 有英語教學, 咖啡店以及餐廳營運相關的經驗, 翻譯以及貿易的經驗. 她還要會自信地開車, 會開手排車, 四輪傳動等等.


不!! 我的上帝是全能了上帝. 假如這是祂偉大計劃中的一部份, 祂將會讓它實現. 我大膽地繼續說” 她還要能飛行. 至少她願意學. 她還是個基督徒.” “她大概約30歲左右. 如果這些實現了, 我知道祢的確默默安排了一切, 如果沒有實現, 我也不需擔心. 因為上帝對我有更大的期待. 若一切成真, 榮耀當屬於上帝, 若一切都失敗了, 我承擔一切的責任. 阿們.” 就如同我們所知的, ”一切隨緣”吧.

我深夜在網路上與一位女孩”D”聊天, 是位我在英語學習社交俱樂部認識的女孩. 我們對於我們自己過去的人生故事與經歷, 對未來的希望以及夢想感到有興趣.
“有啊, 我曾在洛杉磯和拉斯維加斯住過6個月”
“我兩樣都有, 唸大學曾從事過”
“不, 妳不需對妳的成就感到抱歉” 這是妳的優勢! 多樣化的經驗是一種資產. 很棒!
“有, 在貿易公司做過一些文件翻譯”
“妳是基督徒嗎?” 還不是, 我正在研讀聖經.
“我以前曾飛行過, 但是我應該不算能獨自飛行, 我能學”
我的頭腦一陣天旋地轉. 我過去曾有禱告應驗過, 但這次很不一樣.

我用Excel試算表列出其他幾個我有興趣的女孩的特質. 程式中的加權平均數方程式將幾個女孩依照高低分排名. 當我遇到”D”, 我把它們全扔了.

簡單的婚禮, 四位見證人聚在禮堂中, 我們直接奔往”台灣之心”玩飛行傘.
我們的結合完美地與呼應了一個關於婚姻的隱喻. “當飛行員與乘客完美配合時, 操控才能發揮”. “我說向左傾, 我們就向左傾, 好嗎?”
我們表現地很好.”我說向右傾, 就向右傾, 準備好了嗎?”
我們飛行了約莫一小時, 以精準操控游走在那狹窄的熱氣流間. 我們隨後降落.
“感謝主, 給了我超棒的伴侶”
榮耀歸於主, 而我為失敗付全責.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yo' God, Love on the Rock! Puli, 2006? or 7?

I had been on the mountain for nearly 2 years, ensconced in a 40 foot shipping container 50 meters from the take off zone. I had hot water, a bathroom, a book almost finished, a lot of songs, and the cafe was ready to open. I flew every day. Life was good.

One morning I drove up the mountain from my morning shopping excursion. I realized something. It had been about a year since my divorce. And I could sure like someone to share this adventure with.

I had scouted the local girls but didn't get a positive reception. I knew what I needed, what I wanted in a woman. I went to God in conversational prayer.

Dropping the formalities, I spoke openly and confidently “Yo' God, getting kinda lonesome here. If I don't find a partner soon, I just might find myself getting into trouble. “

I always felt more confident with God if I saw Him in the passenger seat as I drove, kinda like riding shotgun. “I KNOW You got a woman for me, and she's from Taiwan, speaks English, and...“ informed by past failures, “ she's not prejudiced about race, nationality, color, religion. She has experience living abroad in western culture, and experience teaching English, and in cafe and restaurant, and translations and international trade. And, she can drive a car, confidently, … standard shift, … 4WD, I thought maybe I'm asking too much.

Nah!!! My God's a big God. If it's part of His plan, He 'll make it real. So boldly I continued, “and she can fly. Or at least she is ready to learn. And she is a Christian.” “ Oh, and about 30 years old. Look, if it happens great! I know you're in it. If it doesn't, now worries. I know you got a better plan for me. Should it work out, glory to God. Should it fail, I accept full responsibility. Amen. ” which as we all know means, 'let it be so.'

6 months later:

I had long late night online chat sessions with a woman, D, I met at an English language social club. We amused and amazed each other with tales of our past adventures and past lives, hopes and dreams. “Have you ever lived abroad?”
“Yes, I lived in LA and Vegas for 6 months.”
“Can you drive?”
“Stick shift?”
“I can try.”
“You ever teach English?”
"work in cafe restaurant business?”
“Yes, both, when I was in college.”
You had a lot of jobs for one so young.”
“Yeah, well, I...”
“No, no. Never apologize for your success. This is your strength!! Diversity of experience is an asset. Great!”
“Ever do any translation work”
“Yes, some documents in the trading company.”
“Are you a Christian? Not yet. I'm studying the Bible.”
“Can you fly?”
“I have flown before, but I can't say I can fly. I can learn.”
My head was spinning. I've had prayers answered before, but never quite like this.
I had an Excel spreadsheet with my criteria spelled out listing several other women I was interested in. A system of weighted average equations had them ranked. When I met D, I threw them all away.

“Will you marry me?”

2 months later:
From the simple wedding, 4 witnesses at the town hall, we went straight to the Heart of Taiwan to fly tandem.
We hooked into a perfect metaphor for marriage. “Steering works best when the pilot and passenger coordinate. On my cue, we both lean to the left, OK?”
“3 – 2- lean left.”
We performed excellently. “On my mark we lean right. Ready?”
“3 – 2- right.”
We stayed in flight for a good hour, working the narrow thermals with perfect precision. We landed,” Thanks Captain for an excellent flight.”
“Thanks, God, for an excellent partner.”
Glory to God for success. And, I take responsibility for failure.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Careless whisper Taitung 2004?

It was the day of our little Taitung Carp Mountain neighborhoods twice annual block party. It usually consisted of many covered dishes, a large tent, raffles and a karaoke stage. There were very few English language songs. Local luminaries showed up for windy political speeches. Excellent music performances were invited from all corners of the island. I kind of suspected that this would be my last block party. My wife, Kate had been giving me the classic “3C” restrictions – No communication, No contact, No coitus – for 3 years.
I made pasta and cookies for the dinner. I won a dish drier rack in the raffle. It seemed appropriate as I had washed a considerable number of dishes cooking.
The last event was the karaoke open mic. So, why was I up there singing Wu Bai's Tong Ku Da Ren and George Michael's Careless Whisper? I didn't even like the song.
It just seemed appropriate.
To understand the dynamic, you'd have to go back some years.

When we moved into the neighborhood, it was at the referral of Kates former clasmate. Her name was Rosa. Her husband, Michael and I got to be really good friends, having many things in common, carpentry, steel work, mechanics, a love of the great outdoors.

Michael kept to himself, unlike his wife who had her nose in everybody's business. She was all too often coming to our house with,“ Did you hear about so and so …,” and the conversation would fall into hushed whispers. There was a conspiratorial air about all of her conversations.

It was a standard device for winning someone's camaraderie, use gossip to create a false aura of trust, and then use it to bait and hook when there is something that you want. It wasn't too hard as Kate had very few friends, and was not well adjusted to social manipulations.

Jane and Jerome Chen were on the no tuition program. Father had died. Mother, Miss Chen, had 3 kids and no job. So, I suggested that we hire Miss Chen to do our house cleaning at 7pm, while we had classes. This way Kate and I would not have to do it at 9 pm. It would be a good way to provide an income for her. This worked very well for several months. She did an excellent job, was quiet as a moth. Then, Rose found out. Rose then used her influence on Kate. “My mother sits at home all day and feels useless. She could use the opportunity to get out. Also, she could use the money for her annual trip abroad. “
None of that made sense to me. I knew Rosa was a busybody and expected the same from her mom. After several days of arguing which grew to serious bitterness, we were saddled with Old Rosa, who insinuated herself into our lives like a chigger until she became a mole for her malicious daughter, gathering information for the gossip mill.

So, with all the gossip flying from the Rosa network and from the friends who owned small businesses ( see “Heard it Through the Grapevine” ) and previous classmates, and 5 sisters our lives were ruled, misruled and ultimately ruined by misinformation.

Kate has never been able to understand that one cannot believe all of the gossip. Wisdom demands that we put a stop to it by dropping friends who thrive on gossip. Ultimately it was minor insecurities fed by gossip which are the undermining of many loving relations. Everyone of the world's religions and social systems warns of the evils of gossip. Yet, we persist in feeding this demon.


We live our lives the way we build our houses; a house, small yard and a high wall around it, the wall topped with shards of broken glass to discourage people from climbing over. In fact, this is a perfect metaphor or our social lives. What goes on beyond the wall, is none of our concern.
We develop less then cheerful visage so as to prevent people from peering over the wall.

I have lived with these walls all over Taiwan. In Fang Liao, Pingtung an agrarian community, an empty lot with an orchard was next to our house. It was infested with vermin and insects. We had decided to clean it up and plant. As it turned out, all of the neighbors had been throwing their refuse over the wall for year. It was knee deep in rubbish of every kind.

Variations on the broken glass toppings include barbed wire and even razor wire.

Careless whisper

It was the day of our little Taitung Carp Mountain neighborhoods twice annual block party. It usually consisted of many covered dishes, a large tent, raffles and a karaoke stage. There were very few English language songs. Local luminaries showed up for windy political speeches. Excellent music performances were invited from all corners of the island. I kind of suspected that this would be my last block party. I had been enduring the classic “3C” restrictions – No communication, No contact, No coitus – for 3 years.
I made pasta and cookies for the dinner. I won a dish drier rack in the raffle. It seemed appropriate as I had washed a considerable number of dishes cooking.
The last event was the karaoke open mic. So, why was I up there singing Wu Bai's Tong Ku Da Ren and George Michael's Careless Whisper? I didn't even like the song.
It just seemed appropriate.
To understand the dynamic, you'd have to go back some years.

When we moved into the neighborhood, it was at the referral my wife, Kate. Her name was Rosa. Her husband, Michael and I got to be really good friends, having many things in common, carpentry, steel work, mechanics, a love of the great outdoors.

Michael pretty much kept to himself, unlike his wife who had her nose in everybody's business. She was all too often coming to our house with,“ Did you hear about so and so …,” and the conversation would fall into hushed whispers. There was a conspiratorial air about all of her conversations.

It was a standard device for winning someone's camaraderie, use gossip to create a false aura of trust, and then use it to bait and hook when there is something that you want. It wasn't too hard as Kate had very few friends, and was not well adjusted to social manipulations.

Jane and Jerome Chen were on the no tuition program. Father had died. Mother, Miss Chen, had 3 kids and no job. So, I suggested that we hire Miss Chen to do our house cleaning at 7pm, while we had classes. This way Kate and I would not have to do it at 9 pm. It would be a good way to provide an income for her. This worked very well for several months. She did an excellent job, was quiet as a moth. Then, Rose found out. Rose then used her influence on Kate. “My mother sits at home all day and feels useless. She could use the opportunity to get out. Also, she could use the money for her annual trip abroad. I helped you get started, here.“
None of that made sense to me. I knew Rosa was a busybody and expected the same from her mom. After several days of arguing which grew to serious bitterness, we were saddled with Old Rosa, who insinuated herself into our lives like a chigger until she became a mole for her malicious daughter, gathering information for the gossip mill.

So, with all the gossip flying from the Rosa network and from the friends who owned small businesses ( see “Heard it Through the Grapevine” ) and previous classmates, and 5 sisters our lives were ruled and misruled by misinformation.

Kate has never been able to understand that one cannot believe all of the gossip. Wisdom demands that we put a stop to it by dropping friends who thrive on gossip. Ultimately it was minor insecurities fed by gossip which are the undermining of many loving relations.