Heart of Taiwan

a retro-blog

a "retro-blog" - "We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future." Marshall McLuhan

Friday, March 25, 2011

No B.S.

Pohang, Korea, 1986

“So, have you decided where you will go?” asked Mr. No.

I was leaving the Pohang Iron and Steel Company, Korea and my best friend in Korea who happened to be a Chinese. In the language training center where I was working, there were 70 instructors, from 5 countries, mostly Korean, teaching 10 languages. The one I got along best with was the one and only Chinese.

No Byung Su, was his Korean name, Lu Bing Xiou, in Chinese. The company name tags took the western form, family name and then initials. So, I made sure that his English name became “No B.S.“

I thought, here is a man you can trust. Let's see if he can live up to it.
I invited him to share my 3 bedroom flat in exchange for language lessons.
“I can't see how you eat fish and rice for breakfast.”
“Look at you,“ as he gazed across at my breakfast cereal,” You're eating milk and cookies. Crazy, man.”
I take a fresh look at my nutritional habits, “No B.S.”, I replied.

Immigrants from Taiwan and China, his family ran a successful Chinese restaurant in Seoul.

I have given a lot of thought about where to go next.
"You should go to Taiwan," he suggested.
"Hong Kong is too crowded, and Singapore too urban. Japan is to expensive. Philippines is too hot. I need someplace that is like Hawaii but cheaper, like China but more freedom. And, like Korea but not so closed society."
"You should go to Taiwan," he urged.
“There's a strong American presence. It's tropical. Is the society more friendly than Korea?”
“I will give you phone numbers for my classmates,”
he assured me.
“You really should go to Taiwan,“ he insisted.
“You keep saying that. Why do YOU think I should go to Taiwan?”
“Because the girls ride motorcycles....and wear miniskirts,” he laughed.
“No B.S!”

No B.S. "真的不蓋你"

Pohang(浦項市), Korea, 1986 韓國,1986



No Byung Su是他的韓國名字,中文名字叫Lu Bing Xiou。公司名牌上印的名字,採用的是西式編排形式,先寫出姓,再來是以名字的第一個字母的縮寫。因此我更加確定他的名字叫做"No B.S." (譯注:英文中"不蓋你"的縮寫)



你應該去台灣。 他建議。
香港太過擁擠,而新加坡又太都市化了。 曰本生活又太貴,菲律賓又太熱,我需要個像夏威夷但便宜些許,又有點像中國人但有自由。 有點韓國風但又不那樣封閉。
"你一直叫我去,那你為何認為我該去台灣?No B.S.先生"

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